On Sunday 19th May 2019 local birder Rob Hill found a White-winged Black Tern at Foxcote Reservoir in North Bucks. With only one prior record for the county, this was indeed a mega find!
Word was soon put out and a good number of birders from around the county and from adjacent counties managed to see the bird as it fed around the site and while perched. The bird was observed until dusk when it appeared to stay to roost. However the bird could not be found the next morning.

The story does not end there as on the following day, the bird was relocated 17km away at Willen Lake, Milton Keynes by David Chamberlain. Again, the news was put out and again the bird attracted a lot of admirers!

The only prior record of this species in the county was of two juveniles that were seen to fly from Wilstone Reservoir (Herts) into Bucks on 31st August 2008.